My Philosophy

My Philosophy & Approach

My Philosophy is based on the premise that the majority of emotional suffering is as a result of judgements which arise from misinterpreting, misunderstanding, and misidentification of our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, relationships, and challenges.
If we have a clear intention to grow or awaken to who we truly are, then there is nothing we can hold onto or hide behind to stop us living the life we were born to live.
Eating Disorders are defined as unhealthy eating and weight control behaviours which over time become compulsive, obsessive and impulsive in nature. Food is the tool used to avoid painful feelings and situations that we deem uncomfortable. It is our inner experience of unworthiness, a sense something is lacking or missing that is at the core of many eating disorders and addictions.
Over time we repeat patterns of behaviour (restricting, purgeing, bingeing, compulsive overeating, chewing & spitting etc) which reinforces negativity and causes us to interpret the present through filters from our past. The issues and patterns get anchored in the level of ego and they are reflected in the physical body in the form of pain, stress, anxiety disorders, depression, fear, eating disorders, addictive behaviour etc.
‘Recurring behaviour is a lesson not learned.’

Judgemental thinking is an automatic by product of mind centred living instead of Heart Centred Being. Every thought and feeling has a corresponding belief which under pins it. It is these beliefs that create the judgements that hold our negative patterns in place.

In many cases we try and dissociate from the pain of these judgements by self medicating with food. We do not repeat these behaviours because they are good or bad, but because of our attachment to them.

Your beliefs become your biology and they are more powerful than your genes, in fact emerging research states they can change your gene expression (epigenetics). See icon on beliefs for more information.

My Approach is grounded in expanding your Awareness of who your Real Self is as if you have an eating disorder you are identifying with your disordered self (ego).

We are Divine Beings (Soul) using a human experience (Ego) to awaken to our Divinity. We need to embrace our Divinity and embrace our Humanity.

We explore what form your triggers are coming in…. thoughts / circumstances / relationships / feelings/ illness / pain etc. and we address your interpretation and the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours as a result of this interpretation. We then elicit what belief is being activated and this enables us to get to the core issue which is coming up for healing.

You will learn how to let go and dissolve all judgements and explore, express and accept feelings no matter how uncomfortable they are.

Finally we learn how to reframe or reinterpret the experiences and this frees you from limiting interpretations of reality and also empowers you to see all challenges as opportunities to grow.

A simple reframe would be instead of saying ‘I have so many negative feelings I don’t know what to do’, you could reframe and say ‘I have so many challenging feelings’. These feelings are in fact challenging you to grow. One empowers you, the other is disempowering.


SUZANNE ~ 087 2056560